"Golden October gliding by
A misty veil she casts around...
The leaves against the hazy sky
Are flittering to the ground..."
I can't figure out the very reason why i lugged two huge pieces of luggage all across the bloody city to get onto a train with BAD co-passengers, 27 odd hours in boring circumstances to come all the way here to rot in splendor.
I really cannot figure out.
I have not studied a word...or worked on my assignment...at this rate i want to do well in my courses.
All I have really done is been very very angry at people...of all sizes and relations. And shouted at everyone and been very very very moody.
The joys of it all I tell you.
This cannot be pujo can it?
All the unbelievable noise and the traffic and the crowds?
The sweat and the long lines.
This year I don't even have new clothes. At i don't even feel like going shopping. That is new!!
I didn't go out with my friends for they are all so busy with their own lives that I can't seem to be fitting in anywhere. And I can't really complain because it is work for some and compulsion for others.
when you find no solace in the prayers of the priests or the flowers at the goddesses' feet where do you go?