My thoughts are all mangled up in knots. I can’t think. What I can do is cry. Shamelessly standing under the pouring shower water...just cry. And then the water runs out. I have forgotten what claims I may stake on friends I call my closest and how far I am entitled to depend on them for emotional intravenous feed till they turn around and yank the needle out. Ouch.
Find a few caves, sit , meditate...learn life truth, give up everything for life truth, write a 100 poems or more in rhyming couplets in the earliest language known to your race, become immortal so as people study that in another 1500 years and do Phd.s on them. Aaah! Nirvana.
How hard can it be?
I created you, you vain thing. And I can destroy you. Remember that.
It’s just that I love you too much.