I have decided to get back to blogging. Since I have partially stopped maintaining a diary. Heartbreaking. For those empty pages I had been longing to feel. They have been violated. It disgusts me.
I am waiting for something stunning. To write about. That little beacon of hope that gets brighter and brighter as the words are created- and then it blinds you. I want to blind people with thoughts. For some people I feel- have not had one worthy thought in decades. Waste of brain, waste of space.
I also hate people who leech off ideas. When I hear them talk to others they go-
For example-
"Oh! I love Simon and Garfunkle...the cover for Watchmen...ooo...so nice...makes the song stand out more..."
Hello! Did you not hear of Simon and Garfunkle from my Ipod!??
"In Lord of the Rings- I love the way the elves look...and the place they live in...so pretty! And I can't believe that there is a reading of LOTR that reads homosexuality into the text...CAN you IMAGINE???"
Excuse me- You don't know where the elves live...and the essay you are talking bout is in MY laptop!!!
This is usually done to impress men- men who have a sliver of intellect. Just a sliver.
Digression. But then.
There has to be a brilliant idea hovering around somewhere. I just need to catch it, when it is resting unaware on a mossy branch. I hope it looks like one of the fairies from Pan's Labyrinth.
Catch it and pin it down in ink on handmade paper. Then it would look perfect.
Or I could sit on the helm of the Flying Dutchman and dangle my legs till something better came along.
And then I could write.
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