I have decided to get the word 'chaos' tattooed. Below this other symbol. It makes sense to me to add something more to that symbol- for apparently, both me and the other person in question who got it tattooed- didn't give it too much thought. We just picked a design that looked cool, remotely related to 'love'
So I have decided to add the word 'chaos' to it.
Chaos is a permanent state for me. Nothing else makes sense.
My mind is never at peace. I never have dreamless sleep. It never rests, I can get back to a dream, just where I left it off, in case I am not satisfied with how it ended. I can follow it, manipulate it at times.
My concentration span is lesser than that of a sparrow.
So now. When the word is done- the symbol will read- chaotic love.
For a change. Perfect.
It's NOT love! It is now chaotic fucking. THERE. I said it.
Listen...there is this little curly thing that goes in the middle- that takes it beyond the fucking.
There are many curly things that would still fit the accusation! So shutup. It's chaotic fucking!
hahahha... Chaotic fucking? ROFL
*Ordo ab chao deus jus*
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