Monday, December 29, 2008

been there...done that...

i dreamt that i was late for the exam...
how typical.
i fished out this thick fat book from a shelf to study for it...and didn't even turn a page. but i will get brownie points for at least finding the damn book :)
the whole day prior to the exam i spent clutching my tummy and whining.
because it felt as if someone with really cold hands was clutching my stomach and squeezing the life out of it. does that qualify as food poisoning? i don't know.
come morning when the hands where still squeezing i wanted to remove my tummy forever-how much difference would it make?
mom said-"you really don't have to give the exam..."
whoa!!!did i hear her right? did she just say that i didn't have to give the damn exam?lord! i must be real sick then!!and she had made me sandwiches to take with me for a good little girl i would dutifully finish the first half of the exam and then sit outside in the winter sun on some bench, dangle my legs and eat the sandwich and study.
i ate one sandwich, didn't dangle my legs, didn't study. so there!
you may judge me for that.
i sincerely had no clue about the paper and people studying out side totally amused me. they were in their sweaters and mufflers and monkey caps and shawls and cardigans....
and i sauntered in wearing a sweatshirt.
they dutifully studied while their parents kept an eagle eye on them giving filthy looks to other people around who might try to sneak a look into their son's or daughter's precious notes. my mom just stood there advising that i should take a cab back home in case i felt sick.
i love my mom. i do.
there were some fathers there as well. i knew my father would not be caught DEAD there. i found a classmate and we saw another classmate and refused to recognize him. we didn't study and we calculated as to how long they might keep us there and not let us leave the exam hall. the instruction booklet said that they would not let the student use the loo in the last 20 minutes of the exam. that was the only thing that made me nervous. who cares about essay type questions and 20 short notes?
not me!
i am after all one of the intellectuals of the country. woohooo
they asked questions like-
what do you do if a student misbehaves in class?
which were the dates that sunday fell on in April 1994?
the girl who sat next to me for the exam was giving it in bengali, since i finished my paper AGES back i stared at her paper trying to read what she was writing. they didn't let me leave early so i left my paper and went to the loo instead. and the loo had pigeons nesting there. long live CU!!!
i choose random answers for the MCQs and wrote utter nonsense in the essay types. why was i at all here?
the whole saga carried on from 9 in the morning to 4 in the evening. i was thoroughly entertained.
sorry mom- i am not a good girl and i am not going to clear this exam.(the National Eligibility Test- so now you know!)

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