Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Worldwise- Worldly Wise

You don't bring me flowers any more.
The violets have frozen and the valley has no more flowers this season.
And you don't even write.
For the words have perished in these frantic unplanned rains and sleet like those apple blossoms you described.
The river had its floods and the banks widened,
Rivulets spread like wrinkles that I am growing around my eyes.
Not that old yet- but getting older.
And in all art and honesty, tomorrow may see some tire tracks away from the usually trodden and
Yet- the face in the mirror will be clearer than ever.
You don't talk to me these days.
But I do. There is just too much to put a finger on.
But then you should regurgitate in absolute disregard and I shall remain ever.
Worldwsie and Worldly Wise.

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